Replay & Top Videos

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Learn more about my journey to freedom from anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Yes, I have overcome the same concerns you’re currently facing. 

In this video, I share my testimony and cover the biblical foundation used for Achieve Emotional Mastery.

Bob was stuck in a vicious depressive cycle and he was continually let down by medicine and traditional methods. Listen in to one of the most raw and relatable videos I’ve ever created where we break down the effects of depression and the common concerns that many of us have when we’re searching for healing.

Michelle, and her husband Michael were stuck in a trauma cycle that continued to feed her intense anxiety and depression. The symptoms were so intense, she best described the feeling with despair. Watch this video to see how they partnered with each other, our team, and God, to finally lock in what works. Learning to walk in freedom, laughter, and peace.

Dave was an accomplished pilot. He was great at his job and he loved what he did, until one day… anxiety begin to creep in. The anxiety got so bad that eventually Dave had to let someone take over his captain’s seat and it broke him.

In this video Dave shares how he got back control of his life, and more importantly how he got back into the pilot seat.

In this video, I catch up with Shawna to discuss how she is doing. She graduated from Achieve Emotional Mastery more than a year and a half ago and is still doing GREAT!! Here is more proof that we are able to help you overcome anxiety and depression but we will show you how to continue to WALK IN FREEDOM.

Insomnia is a huge concern for individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. But, here’s the thing. Insomnia is only one part of this cycle, and you can end all of it!